About us in Ekspressen Camping.

About us in Ekspressen Camping.

Ekspressen camping is autentic from 1968

We like to share this place as long as it is possible. We dont have high ekspenses and the place is old. As long as our guests handle this with some kind of respect,we can continue to keep the prices low.
Bring your backpack and sleeping bag and join us from NOK 100 pr night. Share a cabin with friends or with unknown people on the way. If you dont have sleeping bag and equipment – we can help you with some. Even to rent a cheap car to get around. Publick bus from Tromsø, Prostneset bus terminal to Olderdalen skedual 16:00 and return 08:15 or 15:00 back to Tromsø. Ask for more information at svipper.no

One thought on “About us in Ekspressen Camping.

  1. It is not hilton but you got what you need –
    Made bed.
    Shared kitcen and bathroom.
    Basic and clean.
    Arctic nature and climate
    Greetings from the host

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